Saturday, May 26, 2012

Custom box in progress!

I'm working on a custom box for a fabulous woman in New York, and thought I'd take some photos of the box as it progresses.

I cleaned up a fresh pane of glass last night and did the initial cuts: some long thin strips of glass which will become the sides, and the panels for the top and bottom. Since I was working outside after dark, I only used the light coming out of the shed window so I didn't attract as many bugs.

This morning I went out to inspect my work, and I'm quite pleased. I realized as I was waking up this morning that I should have made the base panel a bit smaller, since it'll have to fit well with the sides even with more solder around the edges than the top panel will have. So I may have to cut a new piece for that. Since I still have to figure out how to make it fit nicely, I think I'll finish the top and sides first, then figure out the base. Anyway, here are some photos of how it looks right now, out on my glass cutting table.

Incidentally, I swiped the table from a neighbor's curb yesterday morning (trash day) and sanded it down after work, then attached a yardstick  to slide the glass cutter against. It's working very well, although the legs are a bit wobbly. It was clearly hand-made, and now that I know it's a good height and size for my needs, I'll probably use some of my profits from this project to buy some braces to make it more sturdy.

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