Well, I think I probably spent at least five more hours on this box today, and I'm still not happy with it. I've got the base panel surrounded by solder-covered copper tubing, and it fits together, but the solder on the bottom panel is still quite ugly, probably because of how much more slowly the thick tubing heats, compared to the thin copper foil that surrounds the pane of glass. I think I'm going to call it a night and try sanding and buffing the solder around the base tomorrow, to see how it looks when it's smoothed over.
Here's how it looks right now. Please disregard the fingerprints and flux on the glass. :P
I don't know... am I being too picky? It doesn't even really show when the box is closed. What do you think?
OneDayGlass specialize in custom cut tempered glass, NeoCeram and PyroCeram (Heat resistant) glass.